
Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

Ebook Buat Yang Lagi Belajar Maen Twiter 2

Langsung saja -Sibuk Mode: ON- Sedikit share tantang twiter yang lagi menggila setelah meledaknya Faceook :P Kemarin disuruh seseorang-prikitiw- untuk membuat yang namanya twitter :D Apalah boleh buat sebelum daftar ada lebih baik kita bac-baca teorinya dulu Hnah, setelah keliling-keliling di beberapa tempat akhirnya dapat juda Ebooknya. Buat yang tidak sabar membacanya langsung saja monggo didownload

Ditunggu laporan efek sampingnya buat yang sudah baca thanx....

Nb: Kalau linknya Rusah Mohon Kontak Saya...:):)
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Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

Laptop & Panas 0

Sebagai pengguna laptop, Anda pasti tahu bahwa setelah dipakai beberapa saat perangkat itu akan terasa sedikit hangat. Memang jika Anda meletakkan laptop itu di meja, hanya sedikit kehangatan itulah yang akan Anda rasakan. Namun jika Anda memangkunya, hmmm, Anda bisa membahayakan kesehatan Anda.

Benarkah memangku laptop berbahaya? Bukti pasti tentang itu memang belum ada. Namun pada tahun 2002, sebuah surat ke jurnal kesehatan The Lancet mengisahkan bagaimana seorang ilmuwan Swedia yang berusia 50 tahun telah membuat bagian intim dari tubuhnya terbakar setelah ia menggunakan laptop di pangkuan selama satu jam, tentu saja dengan berpakaian lengkap. Serem ya?

Bagi para lelaki muda, dampak dari laptop yang panas ini bisa jauh lebih lama. Studi yang dilakukan di State University of New York di Stony Brook mengukur suhu daerah intim dari 29 sukarelawan sehat ketika mereka merapatkan pahanya untuk memangku laptop. Setelah satu jam, suhu daerah itu meningkat rata-rata 2,1 derajat Celcius. Ketika eksperimen ini diulangi dengan benar-benar memangku laptop, kenaikan suhu bertambah 0,7 derajat C.

Tidak ada satu pun komponen dalam komputer yang dirancang khusus untuk menghasilkan panas, tetapi kebanyakan menghasilkan panas sebagai efek samping. Putaran jarum pada harddisk, prosesor dan chip grafis biasanya menghasilkan panas yang paling besar.

Pada PC desktop cukup mudah melakukan pendinginan (melalui kipas yang kuat dan juga luasnya kantung udara di dalam casing). Namun pada PC berfisik kecil yang dijinjing-jinjing ini, proses pendinginan memang menjadi sebuah tantangan tersendiri.
Pada umumnya laptop, panas dihalau dari prosesor melalui heatsink, yang kemudian didinginkan oleh sebuah kipas kecil.

Prosesor laptop masa kini bekerja pada sekitar 50 derajat C, dan suhu itu bisa meningkat sampai di atas 90 derajat C jika kinerjanya didongkrak. Jika suhu ini dibiarkan tidak terkontrol, prosesor bisa terbakar. Karena itulah chip masa kini punya sensor panas dan bisa menurunkan kecepatannya jika menjadi terlalu panas.

Mendinginkan laptop secara efektif bukanlah sekadar menjaga agar setiap komponen bekerja pada suhu operasi yang cocok. Panas harus mengalir ke luar. Jika tidak, panas akan menumpuk di bagian-bagian laptop yang bersentuhan dengan penggunanya, seperti bagian alas, keyboard, dan dudukan tangan (palmrest).

Laptop yang dirancang dengan baik menghalau panas dari lokasi-lokasi tersebut. Pada beberapa model, panas bahkan diteruskan melalui engsel layar dan tutup notebook, sehingga bisa tersalurkan ke luar.

Jadi apa yang dilakukan untuk menurunkan panas yang diantarkan laptop ke pangkuan Anda? Cara paling mudah adalah memperbesar jarak antara keduanya dengan selalu meletakkannya di meja kerja. Namun jika terpaksa memangkunya, gunakan ‘tatakan’, bantal, atau meja laptop khusus atau paling tidak, sebuah majalah yang tebal di antara laptop dan paha Anda.

Saat ini kebanyakan laptop juga menyertakan software yang dapat mendinginkan dirinya. Para manufaktur biasanya membundelkan program manajemen daya yang memungkinkan Anda mengatur kinerja berbagai komponen.

Ini tidak cuma menghemat daya batere dengan mengurangi kecepatan clock prosesor dan mematikan komponen-komponen seperti harddisk yang menganggur setelah beberapa lama, tetapi juga dapatmengurangi keluaran panas. Mengatur prosesor ke daya terkecilnya, membiarkan harddisk berhenti berputar setelah beberapa menit dan membiarkan kipas pendingin pada setelan medium atau tinggi bisa mengurangi suhu laptop Anda.

Seiring dengan kian cepat dan hebatnya komputer, para manufaktur pun dipaksa mempertimbangkan panas dari komponen-komponen yang dipakai agar bisa tetap dingin. Contoh, kecepatan bus memori yang meningkat berarti memori laptop SODIMM juga dapat menghasilkan panas yang cukup besar. Untuk mengatasinya, Intel mengembangkan modul memori dengan sensor thermal yang, seperti prosesor, bisa menurunkan kecepatan memori untuk menghemat daya dan mengurangi panas.

Walaupun pasti akan muncul beragam inovasi lain untuk membantu pendinginan laptop, mereka harus berpacu dengan prosesor, memori dan sistem grafis yang semakin hebat. Saat ini memang tidak ada studi pasti yang menghubungkan laptop yang panas dengan masalah kesuburan atau gangguan kesehatan, tetapi laptop yang dingin di luar pasti akan membuat penggunanya nyaman.

Sebuah laptop bisa menjadi sangat panas. Di mana saja titik-titik panas tersebut?

Biasanya bagian terpanas dari laptop (bisa mencapai 46,6 derajat C) terjadi di bagian atas keyboard dan bagian tengah dudukan pergelangan tangan ( wrist rest), karena di situlah letak prosesor dan juga komponen pendingin. Bagian bawah layar biasanya juga cukup hangat. Bagian ini menjadi tempat bagi elektronika pengontrol.

Yang juga merupakan titik panas adalah bagian bawah laptop. Di sini suhunya bahkan bisa mencapai 50 derajat C.
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Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

DivX Plus Software v8.0 Pro Build 0

Windows XP and Windows Vista/7

The next generation of DivX video! Download DivX Plus™ Software to play DivX®, AVI, MKV, MOV and MP4 video with our media player. Or watch these videos in other popular media players like Windows Media Player or Media Player classic. Purchase DivX Pro to create your own HD DivX videos.
DivX® is a digital video format that offers a high-quality viewing experience on any device or platform — from your PC to your phone to your living room TV. Over 100 million devices that support DivX video have shipped worldwide from major manufactures, including DVD players, gaming consoles, mobile phones and more. DivX® gives you the power to watch, create and share high-quality videos on your Windows or Mac computer.

DivX technology enables highly compressed video without compromising visual quality — so you can enjoy a cinematic experience on your computer, in your living room or wherever you go.
H.264 is a new standard that is poised to power the high definition video revolution by offering incredible visual quality, performance and efficiency. DivX 8 gives you all the tools you need to take full advantage of H.264 for a truly cinematic video experience.

• Convert your video, including HD files, to DivX video using DivX Converter, or create video compilations with DVD features using DivX Author
• Post a DivX video to your site using DivX Web Player
• Watch your videos, even HD videos (H.264/AAC) from the Internet, with DivX Player

DivX® technology lets you take your high-quality videos from your computer and play them in full-screen glory on your living room TV. Use one of the millions of DivX Certified® devices, such as a Blu-ray DVD player, gaming console or DivX Connected device, to watch your videos directly on your TV.
• Stream your videos, photos, music and Internet video (e.g. YouTube) to your TV with DivX Connected™
• Burn a video to disc for playback in a DivX Certified DVD player
• Copy a video to a USB drive or a SD card and watch it on a DivX Certified TV

You don't stay in one place and neither should your media. With a DivX Certified® mobile device, you can watch your high-quality DivX® videos, and even record new ones, wherever you go.
• Watch your videos anywhere your phone goes
• Shoot your own video with a DivX Certified digital camera or mobile phone
• Travel in style with video playback on any DivX Certified portable media player or in-car media player

• Plays DivX video (.divx, .avi)
• Plays HD H.264 video (.mkv)
• Supports AAC and MP3 audio
• Includes DFX Audio Enhancer

• One-step conversion to DivX video
• Outputs .divx ,.avi, .mkv files
• Includes DivX Plus™ HD encode profile
• Includes advanced encode settings

DivX® Pro 8 for Windows is our premium software offering, providing everything you need for a true HD experience. Utilizing our latest and greatest video technology based on H.264, the new standard for HD digital video, DivX Pro 7 lets you create HD video and play MKV videos with high-quality AAC audio. You can also play your DivX files (.divx, .avi) on millions of DivX Certified® devices today. Look for DivX Plus™ HD Certified devices later this year that will support playback of all DivX and DivX Plus files, as well as .mkv (H.264/AAC) videos from the Internet.

DivX Plus Codec Pack:
• Play high-quality videos with DivX Codec
• Watch DivX, AVI, MKV and MP4 videos in popular media players
• Stream MKV videos to your game console (using Windows 7)

DivX Plus Converter:
• Convert your videos to DivX or MKV in one step
• Create high definition MKV videos for free
• Backup personal DVDs with the additional MPEG-2/DVD Plug-in

DivX Plus Player:
• Play DivX, AVI, MKV, MP4 and MOV videos
• Transfer videos to your devices with DivX To Go
• Navigate your videos with greater speed and precision

DivX Plus Web Player:
• Watch DivX, AVI and MKV videos in your web browser
• Experience stunning 1080p video with 5.1 channel surround sound
• Enjoy multiple audio tracks and subtitles

DivX 8.0 for Windows includes:
• DivX Plus Player 8.0
• DivX Plus Web Player 2.0
• DivX Plus Converter 8.0
• DivX Plus Codec Pack 1.0




Kalau linknya rusak mohon hubungi saya..:) thnx
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Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Firefox Super Powerfull Suite 0

Firefox Powerfull Suite 3.6.2010 | 24.2 MB

Mozilla Firefox - the browser works very quickly, and the speed of apparent not only during loading of Web pages, but when looking at bookmarks and history. Made it through the engine, and Mozilla allows you to view all web pages in one window mnogovkladochnom and also has many other useful options, including the ability to significantly enhance connectivity plug-ins (and released their great number).

Features of Mozilla Firefox:

"Pop-Up Blocker (born pop-up)
"Tabbed browsing (born tabbed browsing) (multiple pages in one window)
"Built-in search bar in search engines and dictionaries
"The so-called" Live Bookmarks "(born Live bookmarks) - mechanism for integrating RSS-flows
"Ample opportunities for setting up the behavior and appearance
"Support for multiple extensions
"Built-in tools for web developer
"Automatic updates of both the browser and its extensions (version 1.5)
"Display content at once (makes it comfortable to continue surfing even with incomplete page loads, which is particularly noticeable on a slow connection and a large number of embedded objects)
Pop-up Blocker
You will no longer annoying pop-up windows that open when you visit many sites. You can manually specify which sites allow pop-ups, but with what not.
You are spared from the various spyware programs, as well as elements of ActiveX. You can independently control their privacy, flexibility to manage their personal data. The browser allows you to instantly remove the traces of their stay in the network.
Smart Search
Search Bar, located next to the line input allows you to search any data in the global network. You can use multiple search engines.
Live Bookmarks
Support for RSS is built into the browser. Create live bookmarks and keep up with all the latest happenings in the world.
A single repository for the magazine and bookmarks
Add site to bookmark, thanks to the yellow star in the address bar, it is now possible with one click. Manage Bookmarks, and standardized and implemented in a single dialog box. Select the required options become more convenient due to the presence of special groups recently added bookmarks, and most frequently visited websites.
Intellectual Lilly
As soon as you start typing the address immediately a window appears with the tips, where the bold type shows all matches. The window contains a list of previously visited sites. String correctly responds not only to the addresses of sites, but also on their titles, which greatly simplifies and speeds up input. They are displayed in the window with a history of previously opened websites. Even if you do not remember the exact address and name of the resource will tell you the true path.
Quick and easy downloading files
Completely redesigned download manager allows pumps a file after a disconnection. The status bar always shows the number of received files and the approximate time until the download is complete.
Automatic Updates
You no longer need to manually download new versions of the browser as they are released. The system updates automatically download a small patch the size of a few hundred kilobytes, saving you time.
Optimal base composition
Simple, intuitive browser has everything that you may need in everyday life. Bookmarks magazine, full-screen mode, zoom text and much more - all this takes place in Mozilla Firefox.
Mozilla Firefox - the most scalable and flexible customizable browser on the planet. You can customize the toolbar to put additional expansion modules and themes. Like the telescopic fishing-rod, Mozilla Firefox can be converted from a small compact browser amazingly multifunctional tool to explore the World Wide Web.
Developer's best friend
Mozilla Firefox includes a built-in console error notifications on web pages. Additional extensions like Firebug, you can easily develop and debug web pages.

Used extensions: [68]
- AbcTajpu 1.6.7
- Adblock Plus 1.1.3
- Adblock Plus: Element Hiding Helper 1.0.6
- AddThis 3.0.1
- AniWeather 0.7.4
- Answers 2.3.54
- Auto Copy 1.0.1
- AutoPager
- Better Gmail 2 1.1.1
- Better GReader 0.8.3
- BetterCache 1.24
- Billeo
- ColorfulTabs 4.3
- CoolPreviews 3.0.1
- Copy Link Text 1.4.6
- CuteMenus - Crystal SVG 1.9.3
- CyberSearch 2.0.5
- Dictionary Switcher 1.0.1
- Download Manager Tweak 0.9.2
- Download Statusbar
- DownThemAll! 1.1.9
- Facebook Toolbar 1.4.3
- Favicon Picker 3 0.5
- Feed Sidebar 4.3.1
- Feedly 2.14
- Firefox Showcase
- FireFTP 1.0.7
- FireShot 0.80
- Flagfox 4.0.3
- FoxLingo 2.6.1
- FoxTab 1.3
- Friendbar 4.0.3
- Google Shortcuts 1.9.2
- IMacros for Firefox
- Integrated Gmail 2.5.5
- Is.gd Creator 0.2.2
- Lazarus: Form Recovery 2.0.5
- Menu Editor 1.2.6
- MR Tech Toolkit 6.0.4
- Multiple Tab Handler (treatment group tabs) 0.5.2010032801
- MultirowBookmarksToolbar 4.9
- NoScript
- Organize Status Bar 0.6.4
- Personal Menu 4.3.2
- Picnik 2.3
- Pixlr Grabber 2.0.3
- Qtl 14.1
- Quick Locale Switcher
- QuickProxy 2009.07.19
- Read It Later 2.0.3
- ReminderFox 1.9.7
- RSS Ticker 3.0.4
- Russian spellchecking dictionary 0.4.3
- ScrapBook 1.3.7
- SearchPreview 4.2
- Secure Login 0.9.3
- StumbleUpon 3.63
- Tab Mix Plus
- Tab Preview 0.3
- Tab Sidebar 2.5
- Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out (TACO) 2.0
- TinEye Reverse Image Search 0.7.1
- Update Scanner 3.1.2
- VideoSurf Videos at a Glance 0.71
- Weave Sync 1.1
- WikiLook 2.5.5
- WOT 20091028
- Xmarks 3.5.10

The total number of extensions: 69

Installed Themes: [1]
- Standard

Installed Plugins: (6)
- Java (TM) Platform SE 6 U10
- Microsoft ® DRM
- Mozilla Default Plug-in
- Shockwave Flash
- Shockwave for Director
- Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library

Download :

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